On the occasion of Earth Day 2022, two design companies talk about how the way of designing and producing is changing to align with the UN 2030 Agenda

On Friday 22 April we celebrate Earth Day, the 52nd World Earth Day, the largest event to raise awareness of the protection of the planet on a global scale.

For the occasion, we asked two furniture companies how the way of designing is changing to respond to the environmental crisis, and how the production realities are aligning themselves with the Agenda 2030 of the UN for sustainable development.

What is Earth Day

Earth Day is World Earth Day, an initiative born in 1970, wanted by the US senator Gaylord Nelson and even earlier by the president John Fitzgerald Kennedy, as a powerful reminder of the protection of the Planet in all cultures and between all generations.

The event involves billions of people in 193 countries every year and is promoted by NGO Earth Day Network of Washington, and is recognized by the UN General Secretariat. Since 2007, the Earth Day has also been held on the national territory with the Earth Day Italia, quest year with a 14-hour television relay live from the Nuvola di Fuksas in Rome.

What is the UN 2030 Agenda and what does it provide for companies that produce

The Agenda 2030 for sustainable development is a great action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries. A plan that encompasses 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals , SDGs), for a total of 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.

The Sustainable Development Goals are common goals, such as the fight against poverty and the elimination of hunger (Goals 1 and 2), with some points that speak straight to the world of design, how to counteract the climate change (Goal 13), safeguard forests (Goal 15) and the marine ecosystem (Goal 14), promote a s fair industrial development (Goal 9), and encourage decent work for all (Goal 8).

How design companies are aligning themselves with the UN 2030 Agenda

Among the companies that are aligning themselves with the UN 2030 Agenda is Lago, which in a systemic way it has identified the main areas and levers at its disposal to concretely contribute to the achievement of global sustainable development.

An example is the Lake Campus, inaugurated in 2020 in Villa del Conte, in the province of Padua, a bio-architecture in wood which uses renewable sources imagined as a place where you can work well, a building that achieves two of the 17 Goals for sustainable development, namely Goal 9 Businesses, innovation and infrastructures, and Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production.

In the social and professional sphere (Objective 8 Decent work and economic growth), Lago has been collaborating for over ten years with the Cooperativa Rinascere involving disadvantaged children and making them an active part of the business.

The company also offers training courses to employees, to create internal awareness on issues such as cybersecurity, correct disposal of waste and the promotion of an awareness of being human with meetings on the management of emotions.

Why the UN sustainability goals are important for the design sector

This year at the Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone we will hear more and more about sustainability and circularity, and it is also thanks to the rules that come from above.

"The UN 2030 Agenda is a fundamental instrument of inspiration, but it also establishes a concrete direction of development on sustainability, making it clear that we are all called to intervene, people and companies, but also institutions and Countries”, underlines Roberto Monti, new CEO of Arper.

“Sustainability is a collective issue. Companies play a fundamental role as they are productive realities, but they can also be the drivers of cultural change ".

To address a complex issue such as sustainability, brands must establish priorities of intervention: "This implies carrying out transformations profoundly at different organizational, productive and cultural levels. We want sustainability to become an integral part of our doing business, and we face this path by moving at the same time in the short and long term".