Francesco Santangelo, Head of Relations and Initiatives of Eni Gas e Luce, explains how beauty and energy efficiency must go hand in hand

“The concept of a beautiful and welcoming home now goes hand in hand with that of an energy efficient and technologically advanced home. For this reason, we at Eni Gas e Luce also count among our partners professionals who work to integrate technological and aesthetic functions in the design of an intervention”. Francesco Santangelo is Head of Relations and Initiatives at Eni Gas e Luce. We talked with him about how much the energy transition needs planning. And therefore of design.

CappottoMio by Eni Gas e Luce

First of all, how important is the sustainability issue for Italian consumers? And how much does this issue affect when a customer decides to rely on Eni for gas and electricity?

The environmental sensitivity of Italians has increased over the last few years. Market research has shown a strong focus on the care and renovation of the home, both with a view to improving the home environment and improving energy efficiency or reducing its impact on the environment. The approach we use for our customers, interested in redeveloping their condominium or home, is to offer them, in a modular way, a series of interventions that allow them to improve their homes 'energetically' by also exploiting the opportunities of tax incentives. With our CappottoMio service we propose, first of all, the solution of the coat to improve the thermal insulation of the house, to have a warmer house in winter and cooler in summer and then, in addition, possibly also the change of windows and winter air conditioning systems and photovoltaics. All this is an opportunity not only to redevelop our individual homes, but thanks to the involvement of municipalities and local institutions also to tackle macro redevelopment projects of entire neighborhoods and historic centers, thus initiating a radical transformation of our villages and towns. our cities. This is linked to goal 11 of the SDGs: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, long-lasting and sustainable.

How smart is Italian construction or how little is it still?

"Something has been done, but there is still a lot to do. Unfortunately, the majority of the Italian building stock dates back to the 60-70s and is responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions. Recent research by the Cresme research center argues that investments of € 600 billion would be required to improve the entire Italian building stock by two energy classes. The possibility of carrying out energy requalification interventions, the adoption of technologies that allow the remote control of consumption and the use of eco-sustainable materials are elements that, more and more, are taken into consideration by customers for the realization of their own home, not only with regard to new buildings, but also on the renovation of existing buildings".

How important is the attention to design and aesthetics in your work?

"The concept of a beautiful and welcoming house now goes hand in hand with the concept of an energy efficient and technologically advanced house (which uses, for example, technologies for the production and self-consumption of renewable energy or design devices for remote control of consumption). For this reason, we at Eni Gas e Luce also count among our partners professionals who work to integrate technological and aesthetic functions in the design of an intervention.

Tax Deductions

What message would you send to architects?

The role of the designer or professional is fundamental in the process of improving the efficiency or energy redevelopment of a building or home. If on the one hand it is important to ensure compliance with technical, regulatory and structural requirements, on the other hand the advice I would give is to find the right balance between cutting-edge technologies, easy to use to allow the customer a truly efficient management of their own housing, and the use of sustainable materials that increase the comfort and value of the property, without weighing too much on costs.