Wood: a leather to be treated with care
Finally, wood, a choice that "makes home" and that is becoming more and more popular because it is considered sustainable, even if, before considering this material a responsible choice from an environmental point of view, it is good to study its origin and processing strong>.
In this sense, Italy can boast flagships such as Itlas , which uses only wood from forests managed correctly and processes the entire product, from the trunk to the floor, in its factories in our country, thus producing a < / span> short supply chain and following the life cycle of the product in all its evolution.
Another myth to dispel is that wood is only beautiful in its "nature" version. “We are looking for new ways of seeing wood ", says Venier: "we are looking for it in its most artificial, softened, altered, colored versions".
Wood as skin, thin film, certainly not solid wood: it seems that nobody wants to deal with noble, rare or natural woods any more . "A sensible reaction to the scarcity of raw materials and the use of more sustainable indigenous essences". Interesting is the wood that becomes a film with which to cover everything, from surfaces to furnishings. Here, too, as for marble, it is the attempt to create unexpected total look environments, in which the veins and colors declare the tone of the project in no uncertain terms ".