Dino Gavina and young talents
“Dino Gavina is the first to work with young architects - the Castiglioni themselves, Tobia Scarpa, Bellini, Kazuhide Takahama, Vico Magistretti; the first to re-propose Marcel Breuer's Bauhaus. He is also a forerunner in understanding the importance of the shop, having the Gavina store built in via Altabella in Bologna by Carlo Scarpa, and later in other cities by the Castiglioni and Takahama, organizing exhibitions and events.
He was the first to have Carlo Scarpa design furniture, with the Ultrarazionale collection, and above all, in the early 70s, with Ultramobile , to collaborate with the artists: Meret Oppenheim, Man Ray, Sebastian Matta - but also Giacomo Balla, André Masson, René Magritte, Jackson Pollock.
His choices may appear contradictory, but they essentially go against the tide: he rejects the projects of Carlo Mollino, Gio Ponti, LeCorbusier because they are not suitable for mass production (too many artisanal steps), to work 15-20 years later with the artists. In this case, however, it is not so much a question of furniture, as of objects capable of generating wonder and amazement".