Imago is pure research, from the heart
“It would be an adverse condition to the" thinking heart "if I could offer you words expressed with intentions of clarity. Unfortunately, I cannot do it since I myself am a man of metaphors, evocative with strong veins of fabulation (...) in front of your waiting for a message, which, even if translated, is not at all easy ". This is how Michele Provinciali addresses an audience of students, in Barcelona in 1995.
The thought of a man who has done a lot, worked and planned. And who, however, allowed himself the pleasure of embarking on 14 issues of a magazine made exclusively to practice good graphics and publishing culture.
Max Huber, AG Fronzoni, Giancarlo Iliprandi, Bruno Munari, Dino Buzzati, Giuseppe Pontiggia, Mario Soldati are just some of the graphic designers and writers involved between 1960 and 1971. How would Imago be today?