Export to 70 countries: which are the most active markets?
Yes, we export all over the world, but the markets that are numerically significant are those of European countries, especially those of the EU”.
Flaminia's close relationship with its territory
Augusto Ciarrocchi: "We are deeply rooted in our territory, both due to the long period of activity and because Civita Castellana is a small town where everyone knows each other and personal relationships are intertwined with work-related ones.
The company has always contributed to charitable, cultural and sporting initiatives, often financing them entirely. What the territory has given us in this long period has been, at least in part, returned, not only by providing jobs and generating related activities, but also in the social sphere.
Recently, we decided to create a specific container - FLAMINIA.CULTURA - to highlight the cultural initiatives that will be carried out starting in the coming weeks".