What's behind Joule, the Eni business school that since last year leads companies towards sustainability, with a focus on training a new generation of entrepreneurs and accelerating startups

Joule is the school of Eni for the company, which has the mission of supporting the growth of sustainable businesses through two paths , Human Knowledge (HK) and Energizer , dedicated respectively to training a new generation of entrepreneurs and startup acceleration , providing tools, developing skills and reading keys with face-to-face and remote modules.

HK's goal is to accompany entrepreneurial growth , through the deepening of ten macro themes pillars , concrete challenges and opportunities, a network of excellent trainers and entrepreneurs who make their experiences available to develop a community together.

In addition to the full distance learning HK Open course, free and open to all, which started in October 2020, Joule has launched HK Lab , the pre-incubation program dedicated to teams of aspiring entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to validate their business project within the circular economy, sustainability, energy transition , with application to transversal sectors and not necessarily linked to energy.

HK Lab, in detail, is an itinerant and thematic pre-incubation process started in collaboration with LVenture , dedicated to teams consisting of more than two people and with a seven-day full-time commitment.

The path unfolds in several stages throughout the year, each of which will see the participants challenge each other in a specific challenge that will allow the most deserving project to win an incubation course provided through PoliHub , the Innovation Park & ​​amp; Startup Accelerator of the Politecnico di Milano and personalized mentorships.

The program also includes an onboarding phase in preparatory distance learning mode and a development path for transversal skills and soft skills, developed in an integrated and coherent way with the contents of HK Lab.

Along the way, contributions from founders of startups in the LVenture Group portfolio alternate with internal and external Eni experts from the world of innovation, business schools and academic contexts of excellence .

Energizer , on the other hand, is the hybrid non-profit accelerator dedicated to decarbonisation, the fight against climate change and the circular economy, which supports those who have already started a sustainable startup.