The point is that Italian school programs were drawn up when women still did not have the right to vote, "in my opinion, Italian school education remains incredibly patriarchal.
Profound reforms are urgently needed to try to bring closer a vision of society that can no longer be exclusively 'uomocratic'. Why do I prefer to talk about 'uomocracy' and not patriarchy?
Because patriarchy is the government of the patriarch.
It is a term that denotes that within a family it is the fathers who exercise command and today, in a historical phase in which the traditional model is questioned, the figure of the master father is no longer the rule.
So how can we explain that, although patriarchy in the strict sense has been overcome, at school we mainly study books, theories and poems written by only one sex, among the many possible ones? Because the idea of man still counts as a specific sex”, Simone de Beauvoir, an important (female) exponent of existentialism, reminds us.
“Man understood as an individual counts both as a universal genus and as a living species at the top of the chain of being. And the project, with its constructions, can only restore to everyone the privileges it has always recognized. Transforming the analysis paradigm from punctual to fluid is fundamental to promote a new way of planning, drawing and seeing the world. As? Making the concept of transindividuality one's own", closes Chiara Bottici, "and accepting that we are not definitive individuals, but in progress".
Because it is through mutation that the evolution of a species occurs. Let's not forget: let's unite and change the world.