Sustainability in Ferrarelle is a natural commitment. With a view to looking to the future and making the corporate impact more sustainable, Ferrarelle has chosen in 2021 to become a Benefit Company

Ferrarelle has always known, managed and protected a natural resource: water. A commitment that goes beyond water, beyond the protection of natural resources, which is realized in the third edition of the company's Sustainability Report, the first with augmented reality. Ferrarelle which, from 2021 has chosen to become a Benefit Company, has in fact identified over time the most relevant aspects of environmental, social and economic sustainability, sharing them with its stakeholders and increasing the culture of corporate social responsibility. It follows that respect for the environment has always been a priority, a concrete commitment that is expressed in a series of concrete actions from the recycling of PET bottles to generate new ones up to the conscious management of energy, consumption and resources.

A 2020 survey on sustainability and environmental concerns #whocareswhodoes carried out by GfK, awarded Ferrarelle as the most sustainable brand in the mineral water market according to consumers. A recognition for a company that is committed, day after day, to a -1 impact world, where everyone recycles more than what they consume. After all, 62% of Italian consumers prefer the purchase of products made by companies that show attention to the environment.

Ferrarelle is moving in this direction, the first Italian company in the food sector to have built a plant dedicated to the recycling of PET. Inside the Presenzano (Caserta) plant, new 100% recyclable bottles are produced and put back on the market, made up of 50% R-PET (PET recycled directly by the company). Thanks to this plant, inaugurated in 2019 and the result of an investment of 27 million euros, Ferrarelle has already removed 20,000 tons of plastic from the environment and is producing its bottles in R-PET (PET recycled directly from the company) in 1.5 liters and 50 cl.

A pack, even more sustainable and 100% recyclable, to enclose the famous natural effervescent, which combines the unmistakable taste with the well-being deriving from the richness of minerals. Since last November, the new 50 cl and 25 cl bottles have also been available while stocks last in a limited edition created thanks to the Disegniamo un mondo impact-1 competition launched by Ferrarelle in 2020, which invited the most small to represent a sustainable world through a drawing.

For 2021, again with the contribution of Me Against You, it started in February A scuola di riciclo: impatto-1. A project dedicated to schools throughout Italy, to raise awareness among the little ones by involving primary school students and their families with digital activities and games and a contest dedicated to recycling, which will give the opportunity to win important prizes. Over 1,000 schools involved for a total of 5,000 classes and over 110,000 families throughout the country to teach that environmental sustainability and building a better world for future generations must be the priority. Each class enrolled in the project received a digital kit, containing educational cards and interactive videos made together with the influencer couple Me contro Te, to accompany the little protagonists during classroom activities and in communication between school and family. The project is destined to evolve with further initiatives in the area, which will involve primary school children even more closely before the summer break.

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