“The only team I believe in is the transdisciplinary one”, relaunches Giulio Iacchetti a commenting on the G Bottle project, two containers that store and transport water purified with the three-dimensional induction system G Plant of the Swiss impact company GratzUp. “On the contrary, I find it a relaxing way of working, where you focus on your skills without thinking you can do everything”. According to Iacchetti, the project is a good fluidifier, creates a better amalgam and supports communication between skills. “The technical aspects, indisputable data, are great stimuli. The more they are evoked, the better it is to sublimate the ballast and fly beyond the limits”. And what does the intervention of design consist of, concretely, when it comes to new technologies? “The envelope theme is fundamental. I do not mean that it is necessary to create superstructures: everything in nature tries to lighten and free itself, I will certainly not be the one to try the opposite. But it is the aspect of things that triggers the emotion, the bond, the respect for the object and its functions. Emotional performance is upstream of functional performance, especially when it comes to objects that have never existed until now”.