Never as in these months of forced imprisonment have we promised to look after our homes better. To restructure or simply renew them to make them more versatile, comfortable and close to our ever-changing needs. It is time to respond to these more than understandable needs

Our home must look like us. It is not an aesthetic issue but one related to quality of life. We have to get along with our four walls: at least in the founding principles of our relationship. Because when change occurs, if our home cannot follow us through, the spell breaks: and repairing is not easy.

We noticed it during the lockdown. The open space was splendid, perfect for evenings with friends but as an office for 2 adults and 2 teenagers it disappointed us. And what about that kitchen, perfect but in which cooking out of necessity - every day for 2 months - was a detestable experience? How many have detested their doors and windows, unable to really keep us warm or to keep noises from the outside?

Our homes are often the result of dated renovations that have nothing to do with who we are today or of interventions that no longer correspond to the taste of those who live them. It is not their fault. While not intervening when we realize that something is wrong is definitely our fault.

Fortunately, with the Decree Law 34/2020 (Relaunch Decree), a powerful support is coming from the Italian Government to the construction sector and, in particular, to the home owners – single or in condominium – who wanted to renovate, make the own homes more efficient and comfortable.

Waiting for the corrective

The Superbonus has been approved with the Relaunch Decree’, which is expected to be converted into law by 18 July with at least four corrections. The first is the reduction of the ceilings set for individual interventions, and recognized for each individual housing unit. The second, the extension of the facility to a single second home. The third, access to the Superbonus also to third sector taxpayers. While the latter relates to the extension until mid-2022 for works on IACP properties. Follow the instructions of the Revenue Agency which will clarify the many doubts and requests for clarifications collected in recent weeks and the new requests that will arise from the reading of the approved law text.

What can be deducted and how much

The Superbonus provides for a 110% deduction - valid for expenses from 1 July to 31 December 2021 - to be recovered in five years or to be converted into a discount on the invoice. Or to be sold to banks and suppliers.

For these expenses the deduction is due for the following interventions with the related spending limits:

– thermal insulation of the vertical and horizontal opaque surfaces affecting the building envelope with an incidence greater than 25% of the gross dispersing surface of the building itself (the deduction is calculated on a maximum expenditure ceiling of not more than 60 thousand euros, multiplied for the number of real estate units that make up the building);

– interventions on the common parts of the buildings for the replacement of the existing winter air conditioning systems with centralized systems for condensing or heat pump heating (in this case, the deduction is calculated on a maximum expenditure ceiling of up to 30 thousand euros, multiplied by the number of real estate units that make up the building);

– on single-family buildings, only if intended for the main residence, for the replacement of existing winter air conditioning systems with systems for heating, cooling or the supply of domestic hot water with heat pump (the deduction is calculated on a maximum roof of spending up to 30 thousand euros).

Collateral interventions and designers’s fees

In the presence of one of these three interventions, which are precisely defined as driving forces, the 110% deduction or the discount on the invoice, or the assignment of the tax credit to replace the deduction, also apply for further savings interventions energy. For example, the purchase and installation of windows including window frames and solar shading (ex articles 119 and 121 of the Relaunch Decree). In the absence of leading works of the condominium, the individual condominium can still have recourse to the energy saving deductions referred to in article 14 of Decree Law 63/2013 (ordinarily with a rate of 65% and in some cases 50%), thus as for those for renovations pursuant to article 16-bis of the Tuir, at a rate of 50%, in any case with the possibility of obtaining the discount on the invoice or of assigning the credit corresponding to the deduction (pursuant to article 121 of the Relaunch Decree).

The role of the professionals is fundamental for the purposes of the credit transfer or discount option.

For the interventions both for energy requalification and for the reduction of the seismic risk the qualified technicians will have to certify the respect of the requirements and the corresponding congruity of the expenses incurred in relation to the facilitated interventions.

As has already been clarified by the Revenue with the circular 2 / E of 2020, the costs incurred for the purchase of materials, design and other professional services required by the type of work are included in the 90% Bonus Facte example, carrying out expert reports and inspections, issuing the energy performance certificate).

Partnerships are created online

The Ance has long since activated, with Deloitte, an online platform for the assignment of credits. It will be one of the tools that will be used by the National Builders Association to intercept partnerships with banks, funds and other entities with which to make agreements for the purchase of credits. In this way, companies will already know to whom to sell the bonuses acquired by the clients. However, the banks, very interested in this new market, are waiting for the conversion of the decree... it's a matter of days.


To keep informed

Agenzia delle Entrate

– On energy requalification

 Vademecum Decreet Relaunch

In the photos by Silvia Rivoltella, InterstellarDimoremilano's installation in the former Cinema Arti on the occasion of Milan Design Week 2019. Inside the historic building in a rationalist style, a sequence of small dilapidated rooms was the setting for the collection of fabrics, surrounded by photographs by Andrea Ferrari, part of the catalog of Progetto Tessuti, set in Milanese places suspended between present and past. Dimoremilano is the brand of Britt Moran and Emiliano Salci which includes the collections of indoor and outdoor furniture, fabrics and objects designed by Dimorestudio design studio.