Regeneration, understood as a new design awareness is the theme around which the more than forty installations of Interni Re-Generation revolve

Gilda Bojardi, director of INTERNI, told in an interview with Radio Monte Carlo where the Interni Design Re-Generation exhibition-event was born: "This year the INTERNI event focuses on the concept of regeneration, understood as requalification, recovery. But also rebirth and formation of a new design awareness".

From 6 to 13 June in Milan, the locations this year are 3 + 1: "We are as usual at the University of Studies of Milan, a location of great prestige, and then to the Orto Botanico di Brera, a wonderful place full of greenery in the heart of the city and in the new home of Audi, The house of progress, also subject to an important architectural regeneration: The Medelan in Piazza Cordusio. To these three is added a brand new space which is the site of an exhibition of Cappellini, IBM Studios".

More than forty installations, which bring together designers from all over the world who found themselves thinking on the same theme: "The installations are all beautiful.

At the Botanical Garden we have Carlo Ratti and Italo Rota, at Audi we have a series of proposals on the mobility of the future and in Statale we have designers of the caliber by Michele De Lucchi, Piero Lissoni and Antonio Marras: all decline the theme, interpret it through macro architectures or macro objects".

You can listen to the full interview by clicking this link.