At Design Week 2022 Talenti presents two new collections for the outdoors. The location? The terraces of Salvioni Milano Durini. Between elegance and sustainability

Green Evolution is the name of the project presented during the FuoriSalone thanks to a collaboration between Talents and Salvioni Milano Durini.

The result? The terraces of via Durini 3 are transformed into the ideal stage to present the new collections of the Talenti brand, all based on sustainability. A concept that in this case - from a theorist - becomes concrete and turns into a line of products united by the thematic red thread of the network and plastic bottles.

The same used to make fabrics suitable for outdoor use, obtained with the recycling - without the use of chemicals - of used PET plastic bottles and with a considerable saving of energy and water, therefore 100% green.

Two lines that Talenti presented at Design week 2022.

The first is called Salinas (name 'stolen' from that of the Natural Park of Ibiza), and is signed by Ludovica Serafini and Roberto Palomba of Milanese studio PS + A. The sofa and seats are super-padded and have an aluminum structure and rope backrests, while the table and coffee tables rest on a monolithic base that recalls the motif of the column.

The second, Leaf, is the collection designed by Marco Acerbis and focuses on the lightness of the thin and slender legs of armchairs and sofas to evoke the suspended grace of flowers.

One more detail: the surfaces of the table and coffee tables in this line are in Vitter, a new generation laminate that does not contain formaldehyde or glues and, therefore, is completely recyclable.

Finally, for the occasion, Marco Acerbis also proposes a new version of the Leaf armchair, his famous armchair-lounge, this time made with the wooden structure and armrests and backrest formed by a weave of yarns of polypropylene.

Finally, considering the recurring theme of 'intertwining', it is not surprising to find on the terraces a tribute to two collections signed by Ludovica Serafini and Roberto Palomba a few years ago and which marked a change for Talenti: Cliff and Panama.

In other words, two design lines that marked the debut of the use of rope, a material traditionally linked to the nautical world, in outdoor furniture.