Condivisione-Connessione-Convivialità. A project by AMDL Circle and Michele De Lucchi, made by Whirlpool with Alucobond. Lights by Artemide.
Cortile d'Onore - Università degli Studi di Milano
Davide Angeli, Michele De Lucchi e Angelo Micheli. Ph. Pasquale Abbattista
A tower-shaped micro-architecture in the Cortile d’Onore, over 8 meters high, anticipates the large installation by Whirlpool for the FuoriSalone in April 2022. It is presented as a symbol aiming at the future and inviting us to question the sense of human existence in tomorrow’s world. For this reason Michele De Lucchi with AMDL Circle has chosen to create “a metaphorical tower that compels the gaze to rise and at the same time leads the mind to reflect on who we are and will be. The dream is to find harmony, to feel good with oneself and others, while preserving the physical environment in which we all live.” The small construction, designed to be easily dismantled and transported, has a trapezoidal plan. The upper external cladding, made of translucent Alucobond® panels, with an aluminum finish, is integrated with its setting, mirroring the portico by Richini and the beauty of the changing light. The ropes suspended in the lower part sway in the wind and enliven the structure as people pass by. Inside, the viewer is enfolded in an audiovisual experience that explores concepts such as well-being, balance, harmony, energy, sustainability, for an open-eyed meditation that stimulates the imagination to conceive a possible and happy future made of “Sharing-Connection-Conviviality”.