The Italian Embassy in Madrid and INTERNI Magazine in collaboration with COAM, di_mad and ADI-FAD. Designed by Davide Valoppi - Noarc Studio. Sottoportico Cortile d'Onore - Università degli Studi di Milano

Competition organized by the Italian Embassy in Madrid and INTERNI Magazine with the collaboration of COAM, di_mad, ADI-FAD. Exhibition design by Davide Valoppi - Noarc Studio.

Sottoportico Cortile d'Onore - Università degli Studi di Milano

Davide Valoppi

Second edition of “Design. A Journey between Italy and Spain”, a competition organized by the Italian Embassy in Madrid. The competition (launched in 2019), is for students of design schools and designers under 35, as part of the project ITmakES – Living Italian Style, was entitled “The Identitarian Object”, an evaluation of the type of items that endow the home with quality based on values ​​such as memory, the relationship with the genius loci, together with the transformations that living spaces are passing through today. The competition, created by the Embassy in collaboration with Interni, COAM (Madrid Order of Architects), di_mad (Madrid Designers’ Association) and ADI-FAD (Barcelona Industrial Design Association), selected the seven winning projects through a jury consisting of Simone Turchetta, at the time first counselor at the embassy, ​​Gilda Bojardi, director of Interni, Mariano Martín for di_mad, Salvi Plaja for ADI-FAD, Belén Hermida for COAM, Luciano Galimberti, president of the ADI, and Francesco Zurlo, president of and professor at the Politecnico di Milano. The project, already exhibited in Madrid on the occasion of Italian Design Day at the Italian Cultural Institute, is exhibited at Creative Connections with the installation The Cages, designed by Davide Valoppi of Noarc Studio: three red wooden cages for the new Spanish design.