Technological innovation and environmental protection: these are the macro-themes of "Design the change", sa series of talks organized by INTERNI for the Creative Connections event

From 5 to 19 September 2021, for the Creative Connections exhibition-event, INTERNI presents "Design the change", a series of meetings dedicated to technological innovation and environmental protection organized at:

University of Milan: Aula Magna, Aula of the Academic Senate, via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Botanical Garden of Brera, via Brera 28 Milan
Audi City Lab, via Spiga 26

The cycle of talks "Design the change", September 2021 edition, is proposed as a think tank on issues related to the value of Technological Innovation and Environmental Protection at a time of epochal change in society. A society that necessarily aims to be more inclusive and aware of environmental issues, and which, by virtue of the 2030 agenda, finds in technology, research and innovation, the indispensable tools to support the historical moment that the entire planet is facing, due to contingent elements such as the pandemic, the unthinking use of available resources and the waste of the goods we have.

Discover all INTERNI initiatives for FuoriSalone 2021

A conscious planning and a non-demagogic use of the disciplines related to the world of design and creativity, are now emerging as indispensable tools for the protection of the environment. We are therefore talking about a project that will not only have man and his instrumental needs at the center of the system, but which will focus on safeguarding the Earth of which man is an integral part.

It will be thanks to a positive, energetic, supportive, philanthropic creativity that a new vision of the planet will be born, more aware and sustainable and with it, a new concept of progress.


Each talk will last from 30 to 40 minutes and will address a specific topic with 4 guests present in the studio or remotely.

Entrance to the Aula Magna and the Aula of the Academic Senate of the University of Milan, the Brera Botanical Garden and the Audi City Lab only with Green Pass or equivalent certification.


Cover photo: Padiglione Italia, Expo Dubai 2020


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