Transsensorial Gateway. A NOA* Network of Architecture project, created by EWO with Nieder, MirrorInox. Sound design: Ebner Film + Music.
Sottoportico Cortile d'Onore - Università degli Studi di Milano
Stefan Rier e Lukas Rungger.
Andreas Profanter. Ph. Alex Filz
Stimulating human interactions, because architecture is always about people. This was the premise that gave rise to the installation conceived by the NOA* Network of Architecture team of architects and designers. Transsensorial Gateway creates a lightscape and soundscape that welcomes visitors to the University of Milan. Sinuous and symmetrical, at the sides of the entrance, two crowns of luminous stems open, playing on ascending heights to repeat and amplify the sequence of the 17th-century portico. The result is a sculptural yet dynamic work that combines light, sound and movement in a direct dialogue with people and space. The 34stems, to which LED lights are applied as luminous strips, react to the presence of visitors and interpret the way the people themselves relate to each other. A “transensory” mechanism creates a musical and luminous score that is not only connected to the mass and volume of visitors, hence their number, but also records their physical and emotional collisions. Sensors regulate the intensity, modulation and color of the light as well as the sound coming from mini loudspeakers, to create a chromatic and symphonic choreography based on the interactions.