Not the garden around the house, but the house around the garden. From The Garden House is a fluid and permeable house, whose design started from the landscape to respect the growth times of the trees. The concept was guided by nature through and through: the use of alternative energy sources makes the cycle perfect and infinite

An apparently reverse path guides the construction of From the Garden House, a villa covering 1500 square meters, designed in Laka, Poland, by KWK Promes, architect Robert Konieczny's studio. The client of the house had started with the construction of the large garden, already at an advanced stage, which was missing only the house. The property had in fact transformed an inactive land into a splendid green oasis with a lake and a road that led to the place where the house should have been built.

Not the garden around the house, but the house around the garden; a reversal of the normal development of any residential project, with a very specific logic: the plants in fact need much more time to reach their target size and the owner wanted to be able to enjoy the green space immediately after the completion of the house and the move, without waiting for the time to build the garden.

Hence the name From The Garden House, whose concept was guided by nature in every way: the studio thus designed a building designed to blend harmoniously with nature and which used alternative energy sources.

Starting from the garden, a sort of underlying architecture has been created that works in perfect symbiosis with nature: the house intertwines with greenery, uses the energies of the environment and renewable sources, and returns them to the environment. environment itself. A perfect and infinite cycle.

The curves of the landscape were the inspiration for the construction of the structure: the ground floor, which houses the living room, forms a continuum with sinuous lines, blending smoothly into the surrounding environment. The rounded shape clearly separates the driveway from the rest of the garden, giving the residents intimacy and silence.

Thanks to the large windows that follow one another along the perimeter of the house, interior and exterior merge to form one whole. For the construction of the external facades gray concrete was used, which blended well with the color of the pre-existing road, in stone, the starting point of the project.

Inside, the geometries seem to collide, joining through a soft-cut atrium that connects the two floors. The environments dedicated to everyday life have been positioned close to each other to make the home more user friendly. To these are added spaces dedicated to the well-being and passions of the property.

A great admirer and collector, the client wanted a place where he could exhibit his works of art. In this way, various large-scale environments were created for exhibitions, capable of accommodating a large number of people. To protect the works from the harmful rays of the sun, large shutters were created on the south and west elevations, which also close the building uniformly.

Used for external doors, the garage and the swimming pool area, Microtopping Ideal Work, a solution that allows you to create continuous surfaces, internal and external, without joints, helps to give the concrete effect, merging each element into the other.

The innovative product completes and redefines the project as a whole, giving the effect of exposed concrete to the garage and covering the doors facing the outside, so that they integrate perfectly with the concrete facades. Specifically treated, Microtopping also guarantees good protection from water penetration and de-icing salts, excellent resistance to UV rays and climatic stresses, properties that have also made it ideal for covering the floor of the pool area.

From the Garden House is not limited to being a private residence, it is a project for the community, which will lead to the creation of a large residential complex that will use alternative energy sources and regenerate areas of inactive land to create a new green urban zone.