Aran World opens the new area dedicated to contract in the Milanese flagship store

With a press conference coordinated by Stefano Bergamin, manager of the new space, Aran World has inaugurated an area dedicated to the contract world inside the Aran Cucine flagship store in Milan in Piazza San Gioachimo, Porta Nuova area. The operation, which is part of a corporate reorganization process, saw the participation of figures inside and outside the company who were able to give voice to the new challenges of the group.

At the end of the numerous - and interesting - interventions, a clear concept: the new section dedicated to the contract experience strengthens the corporate identity of Aran World, keeping the brand among the first exporting companies of made in Italy all over the world.

Aran's 60th anniversary

Starting from the well-established awareness of the need for change imposed by the pandemic, Renzo Rastelli, ceo & amp; Owner Aran, recalled a first important event: the sixtieth anniversary of the company, to then recount the fundamental steps in the history of this company, born in Abruzzo as an artisan laboratory then became a real industrial district based on innovation and experimentation with new materials.

The strengthening of the contract, retail and marketing areas

The social and health situation underlined the marked need for rethinking of the areas Contract, Retail and Marketing, pushing Aran World to strengthen its strengths by investing in internal resources, enhancing their professionalism and skills, which are essential for approaching an idea of ​​a conscious future. The company's response to this necessary evolution finds complete meaning in the opening of a section entirely dedicated to contract in the Milanese space supported by a team of experts.

A winning production strategy

"Aran has always been focused on international markets, in particular on North America, a privileged outlet market in which the company has built a leadership position" specific Renzo Rastelli. "Even today, the winning strategic choice has been to have a vertical and completely controlled production process that goes from the production of panels to the assembly of furniture, in absolute contrast. This evaluation is even more rewarding today if we consider the great tensions that exist on the materials supply markets. But Aran is not only a large industrial reality, it boasts collaborations of absolute importance with architects of the caliber of Stefano Boeri, Karim Rashid, Makio Hasuike, Ferruccio Laviani, who have contributed to transform the collections proposed by the company into real design icons".

The redefinition of the Contract Division

Vincenzo Romanelli , director of Aran Contract and previously foreign commercial director, retraced Aran's twenty years of experience in the Contract sector . The group's desire to continue to position itself among the leading players in the sector has led to a new redefinition of the Contract Division which also extends to dedicated production lines.

The tools to make furniture an organic component in the design process

Stefano Bergamin, responsible for Aran Spazio Contract, told about the new project built around the idea of ​​a house conceived respecting the functions of living in the furnishing systems. "It is a perspective that has progressively established itself on the Milanese market but which still lacks the necessary design integration tools , those tools that would help make furniture an organic component in the process of designing and building a house and not just an appendix, often used to drive sales.

Aran Spazio Contract was conceived precisely to overcome the limits of the current offer. On the one hand the production company offers itself as a direct partner of Real Estate guaranteeing capacity and flexibility in overcoming the constraints of an industrial process that can still be perfected and ensuring all the efficiencies typical of commercial disintermediation. On the other hand, it aims to achieve the necessary native design integration by developing the furniture layer within the BIM process and integrating its modeling platform and adapting it to the standards of architectural modeling".

The contributions of the partners Natuzzi and Samsung

To reiterate the importance of the contract experience also the interventions of the two partners: Diego Babbo, Global Retail Development Director for Natuzzi , which confirmed the collaboration in some ongoing projects, underlining how the complementarity of the collections and the stylistic affinity of both productions were a fundamental meeting and dialogue point, and Daniele Grassi , Vice President Home Appliances Division for Samsung Electronics Italia , who shared his vision based on connected living.

The home, in the face of post-pandemic teaching, is at the center of people's lives and is increasingly aimed at the future. The development of electronic devices, the creation of infrastructures and investments in the artificial intelligence and robotics sector carried out by Samsung will be an added value for the customization of contract services by Aran.

Guests, their experiences and food for thought

Among the guests, the interventions of Guglielmo Pelliccioli , Il Quotidiano Immobiliare, Paolo Facchini, partner of Lombardini22, with an explicit reference to the revolution of the design process thanks to the use of neuroscience in architecture , Francesco Percassi , president of Costim, who cited Chorus Life as a concrete example of interpretation of a new concept of home, conceived no longer just as a property but as a real service to be used.

Antonio Napoleone, president of Europa Risorse, with the principle of ' organic architecture by Kengo Kuma invited the audience present to broaden their spaces for reflection starting from an assumption that is often taken for granted: not taking work home, but the well-being of a home at work . A subtle but very current play on words.

The innovation (of ideas) is innovation of the offer

There was no shortage of congratulations from Giuseppe Amitrano, DILS partner, to Renzo Rastelli for "his great ability to export know-how abroad and to restart from innovation of ideas because technology is only a tool". Lina Scavuzzo, DeaCapital development director, also started from this concept, to clarify that "the innovation rarely comes from demand, almost always the innovation is innovation of the offer and therefore urges all partners in the supply chain to stimulate also often conservative subjects such as SGRs with the proposition of new ideas, solutions, processes capable of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Real Estate".

The intervention 'sociological' by Stefano Boeri

All confirmed also by the presence and intervention of Stefano Boeri who, recovering the main evidence of the post pandemic scenario in which many habits and priorities have changed precisely at a sociological level , highlighted the need to "offer affordable housing to that segment of the young population who, at the beginning of their professional and family career, should not be rejected outside the cities by the impossibility of accessing beautiful, functional, modern homes, but at prices more affordable for everyone".