An exhibition layout of sorts
“The idea for the niches came from Mika Tajima, a friend and an artist in the collection. When we were talking about the house one day, she suggested transforming the staircase into a symbolic center of what I like to call my little Guggenheim, an exhibition layout of sorts,” says Valeria Napoleone. “The parapet, which reinterprets the sinuous design of the balconies of the Victorian façade, has been designed by Michelle and Giuseppe, the architects who have coordinated the implementation process, relying on excellent Italian artisans to install the site-specific design works. Their ability to listen and interact has been very important for me. I am thinking in particular about the works by Nathalie Du Pasquier and Nanda Vigo, two women who in the 1970s and 1980s, the most radical period of renewal in all fields, navigated in a fluid, profound and courageous way, across architecture, design and art, contributing to an evolution of taste that is not just aesthetic, but also involves linguistic experimentation.”