Torino Film Festival 2020 kicks off November 2020. The statuette for the winners, made thanks to 3D printing by the Polytechnic of Turin, represents the starry dodecahedron placed on the top of the Mole Antonelliana

Among the novelties of the 38th edition of the Torino Film Festival - from 20 to 28 November, available exclusively and entirely online on the Mymovies streaming platform - to mention the unprecedented statuette which, from this year, will be given to the winners. It is a faithful reproduction of the starry dodecahedron placed on the tip of the Mole Antonelliana since 1953, replacing the original star placed by Antonelli and broken by a storm.

A star that has become the symbol of the city and that today, on the occasion of the festival, the Polytechnic of Turin - through the CIM 4.0 - Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0 of which the university is the founder, together with the University of Turin and 23 partners corporate - proposes in a highly technological guise. The figurine was made of an aluminum alloy through the process of additive manufacturing, or additive manufacturing, i.e. 3D printing for industrial applications, a field of expertise of CIM 4.0. The main advantage of additive manufacturing is in fact that of being able to create objects of great geometric complexity within a few hours without the aid of other equipment or tools.

A powder bed machine with laser source was used to build the star: an award that combines history and advanced technology and characterizes a festival that can boast 133 films including 29 feature-length debuts, 52 world premieres and 16 international premieres.