“BlackBox: Design and Innovation in Melbourne” is an exhibition-project developed and curated by Ian Wong, Program Director of the Master of Industrial Design at MADA Monash University, presenting technological and design innovations developed in Melbourne.
From the refrigerator to the multiple socket, the bionic ear to the latest frontier of biotechnology, the bionic eye: 64 objects that touch on all the sectors of our lives, including the everyday world, from sports to medicine, dining to decor, automobiles to food.
BlackBox refers to the box invented in Melbourne in 1957, the object that gathers all the information needed to guarantee safe flying. The research project on display in Milan from 2 to 15 May captures raw data on the history of design and innovation as an archive for future analysis and research.
The objects are shown inside 64 3D-printed black boxes, inspired by the Hoddle Grid (the street grid of the center of Melbourne, arranged in 1837), and the contents are also visible thanks to the innovative mobile system of Art Processors of Melbourne. Online soon: http://www.blackboxmelbourne.com/, as well as a dedicated App.