Telling the climate emergency in a – really – effective way is difficult, so Dotdotdot has devised a ‘data-driven journey‘ for the Lisbon maat. Multimedia installations, digital wallpaper, dataviz and a console to touch climate change and bring data to life. Interacting to become aware

Maat - Lisbon Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology

from 5 April to 6 September 2021 (dates may be subject to change based on the anti Covid-19 measures established by the Portuguese government)

Earth Bits - Sensing the Planetary, the installation dedicated to the current climate emergency, designed and built by the Italian studio Dotdotdot, thanks to the scientific support of ESA (European Space Agency), opens at Maat - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon. IEA (International Energy Agency) and EDP Innovation (Energias de Portugal), EDP Sustainability.

Telling the climate emergency in a – really – effective way, to generate individual and collective awareness, is always very difficult. Starting from the belief that if people could interact, understand and remember better, Dotdotdot has developed multimedia installations, digital wallpaper, data visualization and an interactive console to allow museum visitors to touch climate change, giving life to data.

Science, culture and design come together in an immersive journey that involves the public in a journey guided by data transformed into interactive installations, dataviz, digital wallpaper, animated videos designed to generate awareness and critical thinking regarding the environmental impact of their behavior, even newspapers, on the entire planet. A multisensory experience where multimedia and transmedia contents become emotional and didactic material, allowing both an in-depth use and an immediate understanding of the complex issues addressed.

The story – a sort of data-driven journey – unfolds in four multimedia installations: a dataviz depicting Portugal's electricity consumption before and after the pandemic (Power Rings); an illustrated wall of 12 meters with 80 daily actions to explain the mechanisms necessary to feed our lifestyle (24hours – The Ecology and Energy of our Flux); an interactive console where you can mix everyday choices like a DJ and understand the impact on the world (The CO2 Mixer); a digital wallpaper 'painted' with data from the satellites of ESA's Copernicus program to tell about climate change (Planet Calls – Imaging Climate Change).

The experience of Earth Bits - Sensing the Planetary gives the visitor back a series of scientific evidence on the environmental crisis and the centrality of energy consumption caused by man through a scenario of individual and collective responsibility, to arrive at a global and cosmological vision.

Starting from an analysis of the current environmental situation and from the recognition that energy has now become an indispensable element to feed our lifestyle, the various installations show, thanks to the re-elaboration of objective data, how much energy needs are caused by our actions daily life is closely linked to the rapid depletion of fundamental resources for the Earth's ecosystem.

In a historical moment determined by a great attention and sensitivity on a global level on the themes of climate change and the critical use of resources, the Earth Bits - Sensing the Planetary exhibition offers a new approach to the theme thanks to the narrative peculiarities of interaction design, stimulating in the public new food for thought to gain greater awareness of their activities and promote a more sustainable lifestyle.

The Earth Bits - Sensing the Planetar exhibition is part of maat Explorations, the new schedule of exhibitions, educational activities and public programs conceived by the Portuguese museum to investigate, through different points of view, the most current issues related to the environmental transformation that are profoundly conditioning the future of the planet.

Led by the new director Beatrice Leanza, the maat has relied on the multidisciplinary skills of the Dotdotdot studioborn in Milan in 2004, among the first in Italy to operate in the field of Interaction Design to investigate in an innovative way the various anthropogenic phenomena that underlie the climate crisis, starting with the decoding and simplification of complex scientific data.

“The design of evidence-based narrative experiences such as Earth Bits”, explains Alessandro Masserdotti, co-founder and CTO Dotdotdot, “combine the vision of the museum and the desire to stimulate critical thinking by going beyond the simple staging of a message, thanks to the construction of a story to be explored through innovative languages that help decode complexity, structure thought and create knowledge that is opens to the comparison between science, culture and society”.


Cover photo: data visualization of the winds during summer 2020 - satellite data from the ESA Copernicus (European Space Agency) program. © Dotdotdot per MAAT.