Flanked by Filippa Lagerbäck, Barnaba Fornasetti is spokesperson for Fornasetti's solidarity project: until 31 December 2020 the proceeds from sales of the new Tema e Variazioni plate will be donated to the non-profit organization CBM Italia to face the difficulties caused by Covid-19

Fornasetti supports the Covid-19 Emergency campaign of CBM Italia, a humanitarian organization part of CBM International, engaged in developing countries and in recent months also in Italy in health and social projects to support the most vulnerable people. For the occasion, the Milanese atelier creates a new dish that enriches the iconic Theme and Variations series, which can be purchased at the Fornasetti stores in Milan and London and the proceeds of which will be donated to support campaign activities.

The idea was born from a message from Barnaba Fornasetti, spread during the months of lockdown in Italy, which invited us to take that moment of stasis as a creative opportunity, hoping for a solution that would overcome any boundaries to find ourselves united and in solidarity. To accompany the message, the face of Lina Cavalieri, icon of the well-known Theme and Variations decoration, covered by a tricolor mask. The strong communicative impact of the image prompted the brand to turn it into a dish, linking it to a concrete action of solidarity.

Alongside Barnaba Fornasetti as spokesperson for United with the world message of solidarity, Filippa Lagerbäck, ambassador of CBM, has been at the forefront of numerous fundraising campaigns for years. Thanks to the concrete help of the supporters of the project, it will be possible to intervene to help the most vulnerable, with the awareness that the crisis must be tackled all together with a positive outlook on the future, as the very eyes of Lina Cavalieri seem to suggest.

With United with the world, Fornasetti renews its commitment to support CBM, in the wake of a collaboration that began in 2013.

“It is an honor for us to be able to collaborate again with Fornasetti, certain that this time too the combination of art and solidarity will be winning and appreciated by the public. A solidarity action in favor of the most fragile people, those to whom we want to guarantee the right to health, education and access to useful means to lead an independent and active life. Those that we have been treating and supporting for over 110 years in developing countries and now, in the Covid-19 emergency, also in Italy "said Massimo Maggio, director of CBM Italy.

The support network activated by CBM has already led to significant interventions on various fronts: from the distribution of surgical masks to boda boda, the transporters of patients in hospitals in Kenya, to the construction of access points to water up to the translation of information material related to the virus in sign language and Braille. In Italy, after concrete support in the health emergency in support of hospice care set up in Bergamo and the Covid Center in Rozzano, CBM's intervention strategy continues to face the social emergency, supporting the families of children with serious disabilities who the pandemic risks depriving of care and services.

“Tutti noi in questa fase abbiamo reso grazie al potere salvifico della creatività, che ci dà la certezza di essere vivi e che, a rendere luminosa la nostra vita, sono le idee che migliorano noi e le cose del mondo” spiega Barnaba Fornasetti. “Ciò che può l’immaginazione è infinito, e la chiamata che rivolgo, a me e a noi tutti, è il vivere questa fase come un’occasione per riflettere, di attraversare questo periodo difficile e straordinario con consapevolezza, desiderio e pensiero, facendoci corpo di una collettività che sappia vedere con lucidità il passato, quello che non siamo più, ma soprattutto quello che ci piacerebbe diventare”.