Those carved woods, different in shape and size, and also in material and time of production, are no longer used as tools to leave the imprint of letters or other signs on the page, but to build three-dimensional works; they are works that do not have printed words and images, but physically real words and images, to be touched as well as to be seen.
As Elena Pontiggia writes in the introduction to the catalog: "Milani's writing, her Poetari, do not make up a rational catalog or a school filing, but rather they are the place of the enigma, not because they reveal the mystery, but because they reveal that the mystery exists. Letters and signs are collected in orthogonal courses, within squares and rectangles, in rhythmic and musical spaces, but they are not read neatly and judiciously. Try to read them: you will not succeed, because they are hermetic like the leaves of the Sibyl. They are an encyclopedia of Babel, that is, of misunderstanding ".