On the third day of the CNAPPC events, we talked about investment cycles, obsolescence, innovation and natural criticalities for a new and urgent territorial policy. A research work by Cresme presented by Lorenzo Bellicini supported this discussion. This theme was discussed in a roundtable moderated by RAI Journalist Paolo Corsini which saw the participation of Simona Cenci (Councillor for Urban Planning and State Property Department of the City of Genoa), Raffaella Paita (MP, Member of the Committee on Transport, Posts, Telecommunications of the Chamber of Deputies), Fabio Rampelli (Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies), Pierciro Galeone (Director of iFel Foundation Anci), Francesco Bandarin (UNESCO Senior Advisor)


In Italy, an alarm has been triggered for the maintenance of buildings, networks and infrastructures. Between 2010 and 2018, the crisis in the construction market devoured eight billion euro a year in expenditure to maintain buildings, networks and infrastructures in service, in operation and safety conditions.

A city like Genoa has serious infrastructure problems. The aim is to reconnect the city to the rest of the world. The motto is to make local authorities and central government work in parallel. Simona Cenci"

This complaint is based on a report commissioned by CNAPPC to Cresme which was anticipated by Lorenzo Bellicini, Managing Director of Cresme. Of the eight billion euro that are missing, 3.8 concern private buildings and 4.2 public works.

Bureaucracy needs to be cut in order to speed up the allocation of resources. The future of our country requires unity of purpose at a government level. Raffaella Paita"

The most serious situation is in the infrastructure sector where a 25% loss was recorded. In particular tax incentives for extraordinary maintenance were used to curb the reduction of expenditure. The picture is that of a country at risk, which must find a solution as soon as possible with new policies for the management of buildings, infrastructures and the territory.

The domestic market can be fuelled by the construction market. It is a matter of quality that must lead to the creation of a virtuous circle. Fabio Rampelli"

Risks are increasing (58% of buildings are over 50 years old) and new investments are decreasing by 40%, an even more serious phenomenon in a country that is seeing its real estate assets age.

The difficulty of restarting lies in the legacy of the economic crisis, in current spending and in the long time between calls for tenders and achievements. Pierciro Galeone"

Among the proposals, the recovery of the central role of design to promote the quality and speed of spending; a fund to finance the strategic planning of the Italian city of the future by initiating an action of urban regeneration; the creation of urban renaissance plans in partnership between the private and the public sectors.

The countries that succeed in sustaining growth are those in which there is an organic relationship between the central government and cities. Francesco Bandarin"

Text by Danilo Signorello - Photos by Efrem Raimondi