Listone Giordano launches the Phygital revolution and presents two new digital tools: Live Studio and Live Store

Recent winner of the Premio dei Premi per l’InnovazioneListone Giordano celebrates 150 years of the Margaritelli Group by presenting two new virtual allies with which to revolutionize the customer experience of its customers, further reducing the distance between the company and its interlocutors

An immersion in the fibers of wood, between physical and digital, to celebrate the encounter between genius and nature. This is the goal of the new high tech instruments presented by Listone Giordano, Live Studio and Live Store. Their conception has its roots in a simple consideration: digital ecosystems have enhanced people's cognitive abilities, pushing them to limits never explored before. After successfully launching the Open Desk service, capable of offering personalized online consultancy even at the time of Covid, Listone Giordano offers an even more immersive and all-encompassing experience in the various virtual and physical spaces of the brand.

Grazie a Live Studio / Live Store, clienti, designer e progettisti hanno a disposizione interfacce dedicate per comunicare a distanza con consulenti di progettazione, all’interno di ambienti virtuali in cui sarà possibile intraprendere un viaggio nel mondo aziendale. I nuovi touch points sono stati creati anche per dare vita a uno spazio Phygital, tra fisico e digitale, favorendo l’ibridazione tra canali di vendita tradizionali e soluzioni offerte dall’innovazione. Un servizio disponibile su appuntamento.

As proof of how innovation is now an integral part of Listone Giordano's DNA, one of the most innovative projects, Natural Genius / Resonating Trees, recently received the Premio dei Premi per l’Innovazione. The award, awarded on 11 December by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, celebrates a truly original and 100% green initiative. Made in the Umbrian forest of Piegaro - managed by the Margaritelli family - Resonating Trees culminated with the creation of a multisensory sound installation by the sound artist Federico Ortica, who had managed to capture the sound of plants through special transducers applied to the trunks. Even in that case, the goal was to create a revolutionary experience between the physical, the sound and the digital, with a precise focus on sustainability and respect for the environment.