In the Veneto countryside, Moon House, designed by Studio N2 of the architect Simone Gastaldello, is a space that wraps a traditional villa in sustainable lightness. Technology that approaches nature, permitting full enjoyment, rediscovering spirituality and wholeness: Moon House expresses all this, in a living space with rooms and zones for relaxation and meditation.

Moon House builds an environment enveloping a villa with Palladian overtones: the volume develops on load-bearing steel columns that contain all the physical plant systems, optimizing the lightness and essential style of the construction. It is composed of striking transparent polycarbonate facing, capable of capturing the light of the moon, making it like a natural beacon for the entire garden.

The architecture calls for the use of different types of B Light fixtures, from the Inserto 65 F System and Linear Tube 112 MS sections – to underline the clean lines and geometric design of the various spaces – to built-in models like Inside SQ 60, characterized by minimal visual impact for total integration with the architecture.

The long profiles of the walls are highlighted in a smooth way thanks to the Inserto Mini T, a linear fixture built into the ceiling or the wall, featuring excellent light output and chromatic performance, also made to measure.

The routes through the various areas of the Moon House are enhanced by Atlas R, built-in architectural lighting that is recessed to minimize glare. For the large music room, the choice has gone to Baster Mini, an adjustable recessed architectural fixture for interiors that guarantees controlled lighting effects.

The design of this minimal yet refined project is also enhanced by the choice of Okkio 100CL, the cylindrical ceiling lamp with clean lines, offering powerful lighting without glare thanks to the recessed optical grouping.