The result of an international competition, the project for the new campus in Romagna of the University of Bologna is one of the most interesting recently built in Italy, in terms of urban planning and in terms of the expressive and technical research behind the new volumes, with a very contemporary look.
The university campus is located inside a wider-ranging project developed to upgrade and convert the former hospital of Forlì, whose most important pavilions, from a historical and architectural viewpoint, have been carefully restored and adapted to the new functions of an education facility.
The treatment of light, in relation to the various spaces, and the care that has gone into the design of the transparent surfaces represent one of the main keys of interpretation of the project.
The solutions by Schüco have been used in the crosswise part connecting the volumes (Trefolo) which contains Schüco FW 50+ aluminium facades placed on a steel structure, and “all glass” window frames made with the Schüco SFC 85 SG facade system, with a light, elegant aesthetic.
The lecture halls also face outward with Schüco AWS 70.HI (High Insulation) aluminium thermal break casements, which stand out for insulating performance and, above all, good acoustic performance, fundamental for teaching and research facilities of this kind.