“I would like to thank Paolo Castelli and his team, who worked on this projects” states Matteo Lepore, Assessor for Culture and City Promotion, Municipality of Bologna. “An important homage to Giorgio Morandi, one of the biggest figures of Italian painting of the 19th century, and one of our best-known and admired artists in the world. I remember when recently during the city council we approved acquisition of villa Magnani from Agenzia del Demanio, a building within the Manifattura delle Arti (Art Manufacture), just steps away from MAMbo, in order to transform it in Morandi Museum”.
The collection is inspired by the artist and his poetics: starting with the objects in the studio, the hub of Morandi's meticulous observation, contemplative and repeated over time, to look at the formal and chromatic elements of these absolute protagonists of Morandi's artistic research.